
awk is useful for filtering text and printing specific columns. I use it frequently when analysing and presenting benchmark data.

One of the common tasks is to only print output delimited by certain lines. Imagine that compiling a project emits some warnings:

compiling a.cc
compiling b.cc
b.cc: warning on line 10
int b;
compiling c.cc

Here, every compiled file emits a single line, and warnings will also be emitted, together with some context around where the warning is.

Suppose we want to keep only the warnings, one simple way is to print all lines that don’t begin with “compiling”. That will work, but we might accidentally print non-warning messages too.

Let’s look at the pattern of warnings, it always starts with a “warning on”, and it ends before the next “compiling” message. We can encode this into a state machine inside of an awk script, like so:

awk '/compiling/ { in_warning = 0 } /: warning/ { in_warning = 1 } in_warning { print }'

This is a simple 2-state machine, we are either inside a warning or not. The start state is not in warning. The way to enter the in_warning state is when we encounter a line matching “: warning”. And we exit this state as soon as we see a line matching “compiling”.

This is a simple idea, and can be extended to multiple states to perform different actions (accumulate data), or nested states.

When crafting similar awk scripts, I tend to make the mistake of putting the matching cases first, like so:

awk '/: warning/ { in_warning = 1 } in_warning { print } /compiling/ { in_warning = 0 }'

This works, but is buggy. It will print the “compiling” line after matching a warning.

This is because awk runs the entire script for each line of input text, in order of defined statements. So, if in_warning is set, because we were just processing a warning, and the current line is a “compiling” line, awk will run the second statement, print, before it matches “compiling” and resets warning.

The general rule is then: all the state-changing statements should come first, and the effectful (print or summations), should be at the end.