
This is a series of posts for my CS3216 project, you can find the original post here.

Work has been progressing pretty well for our final project, Bubble. I have been working on a simple demo app that serves as an example for the rest of the team on how to interact with the back-end via Socket.io.

Things are working fairly well on a local development box (of course it would because that’s what I use day to day), but I would like to provide a staging environment on the Internet for my teammates so they don’t have to spin up a local back-end.

That led me into thinking of how best to deploy the back-end, store secrets, separate configuration etc. In this post I’ll talk about secrets and configuration.

A lot of these ideas are from The Twelve-Factor App, an excellent guide on how to build modern web applications.

Configuration and Secrets as environment variables

This is probably the simplest way to initialize the database (I’m using an ORM for node called sequelize):

const database = new Sequelize('database', 'user', 'password');

But this is exposing my database username and password, and is obviously not a good idea.

A better way is to define these secrets somewhere else. A suggested (and popular) method is to put them in the environment.

import 'process' from process;
const database = new Sequelize(

This is much better, because we are no longer putting our secrets in code.

To run commands with environment variables set, you can:

DATABASE_NAME=database DATABASE_USER=user DATABASE_PASS=pass node index.js

This also means that we can have different database name, user and passwords in development versus production — which is a good idea because if your local credentials get compromised, it doesn’t leak your production credentials.

Too many variables

This is only for database. In our app we have integrations with Loggly for logs viewing, and Sentry for exception tracking, and your app might have many more. These applications require some sort of secret key, and it’s not a good idea to let anyone else know this because it could lead to them exhausting your free quota or even raking up a huge bill.

All these environment variables can add up really quickly, especially if you are defining them on the command line:

DATABASE_NAME=database DATABASE_USER=user DATABASE_PASS=pass LOGGLY_KEY=loggly_key SENTRY_KEY=sentry_key node index.js

Managing your environment variables

I ended up doing a bit of research and found dotenv.

With dotenv, you can define environment variables in a file, and when your app starts up, you call dotenv.config() and it will add all your variables to the current node.js’ process.env variable.

Here’s an example of how I used to use it in Bubble:

switch (process.env.NODE_ENV) {
  case 'prod':
    dotenv.config({ path: './prod.env' });
  case 'development':
  case 'test':
    dotenv.config({ path: './dev.env' });

I define my prod and dev/test environment into two different files, and for dev.env I do not have the secret keys defined (so I don’t accidentally make calls to our third party integrations). I then scp my prod.env file into the box every time there are changes (primitive, but the secrets don’t change often, so everything is cool).

Small problem

The above code was defined in a database.js file, which is used to initialize the database. However I wanted to extend this dotenv pattern across my app. So what I really needed is to call dotenv.config() as early as I can in my app initialization. But there’s some issue with the way babel transpiles ES6 module imports that is described here.

In summary, babel lifts ES6 imports to the top, so when code is run, node does a depth-first traversal into the imported modules (which may use dotenv), before dotenv gets a chance to run, so process.env isn’t populated. I eventually figured a workaround and posted my solution as a comment to the same issue. The solution is pretty simple, move the dotenv.config() call into a separate file, and import it before any modules that needs process.env to be set.

Populating your environment

This is post is about how I use environment variables and dotenv to help manage them. This definitely isn’t the correct way or the only way, there has been ink spilled over this. One article I like is Twelve-Factor Config: Misunderstandings and Advice, which discusses more about Twelve-Factor and its recommendation on configuration, and how you can populate your app environment in whatever way pleases you.