
We can multiply two 64-bit numbers using 32-bit multiplication operations (or in general 2n-bit numbers using n-bit multiplication), by breaking the number into 32-bit halves, then performing multiplication on each half.

x = a*2^32 + b
y = c*2^32 + d
x * y = (a*2^32 + b) * (c*2^32 + d)
      = (a*2^32 * c*2^32) + (a*2^32 * d) + (c*2^32 * b) + (bd)
      = 2^64*ac + 2^32*ad + 2^32*bc + bd
      = 2^32*(ad + bc) + bd (result is 64-bit, ignore 2^64*ac)

To perform a 2x64 multiplication, we can apply this algorithm once to each lane. The problem is the number of operations, just counting arithmetic (ignore moves), we will need ~7 for each lane, totaling 14. There is a better way, using SIMD instructions.

To summarize our goal, given two 64x2 integers (in SIMD 128-bit registers), we would like to perform 64-bit multiplication, lane-wise.

x = [a*2^32 + b | c*2^32 + d]
y = [e*2^32 + f | g*2^32 + h]
x * y = [2^32*(af + be) + bf | 2^32*(ch + dg) + dh]

In this representation, the vertical bar, |, is a separation between two 64-bit lanes. Later we will use a comma, ,, as the separator between 32-bit halves of a 64-bit number, like so [a, b | c, d].

Below we walk through implementations on x64, ARM64, and ARM (deep dive). The inputs, x and y in the example above, are in the registers named left and right. Temporaries are prefixed with tmp, and dst is the output register.


On x64, we can do a pretty okay job, using 8 instructions (excluding 2 moves). This algorithm uses 2 temporaries.

__ Movaps(tmp1, left);   // tmp1 = left =  [a, b | c, d]
__ Movaps(tmp2, right);  // tmp2 = right = [e, f | g, h]

// Multiply high dword of each qword of left with right.
__ Psrlq(tmp1, 32);      // tmp1 = [0, a | 0, c]
__ Pmuludq(tmp1, right); // tmp1 = [af | ch]

// Multiply high dword of each qword of right with left.
__ Psrlq(tmp2, 32);      // tmp2 = [0, e| 0, g]
__ Pmuludq(tmp2, left);  // tmp2 = [be | dg]

__ Paddq(tmp2, tmp1);    // tmp2 = [be + af | dg + ch]
__ Psllq(tmp2, 32);      // tmp2 = [be + af, 0, dg + ch, 0]

__ Pmuludq(left, right); // left = [bf | dh]
__ Paddq(left, tmp2);
// dst = left = [(be+af)*2^32 + bf | (dg+ch)*2^32) + dh]


On ARM64, we do an even better job, with just 7 (total) instructions. I won’t repeat the algorithm here, the comment is awesome and does a good job explaning things.


The final solution uses 6 instructions (excluding 2 moves). I want to discuss how I arrived at this solution. (I should have copied the ARM64 one, but I forgot about it, and came up with my own way of doing this.)

Below, we will walk through 4 versions of the algorithm, starting with the naive, lane wise 32-bit multiplication, and finally arriving at the one that is merged. I like to follow the “make it work, make it right, make it fast” rule (Kent Beck), which is why there are multiple versions.

First version (16 instructions), which multiply each lane separately, uses 4 temporaries. vmull on ARM takes 2 D registers (64-bit) and multiplies corresponding 32-bit numbers in each register, and keeps the 64-bit result. Compared to pmuludq on x64, which takes 2 XMM registers. So there’s more work to be done on ARM.

vmull   (a, b)        (e, f)        = [ae | bf]
pmuludq [a, b | c, d] [e, f | g, h] = [bf | dh]

Version 1

// Multiply high of left with right, keep in tmp1.
// left = [a, b | c, d]
// right = [e, f | g, h]
// tmp1 = [0, a | 0, c]
__ vshr(NeonU64, tmp1, left, 32);
// tmp2 = [ 0 | af ]
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp2, tmp1.high(), right.high());
// td = af
__ vmov(td, tmp2.low());
// tmp1 = [0 | ch]
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp1, tmp1.low(), right.low());
// tmp1 = [af | ch]
__ vmov(tmp1.high(), td);

// Multiply high of right with left, keep in tmp2
__ vshr(NeonU64, tmp2, right, 32);
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp3, tmp2.high(), left.high());
__ vmov(td, tmp3.low());
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp2, tmp2.low(), left.low());
// tmp2 = [be, dg]
__ vmov(tmp2.high(), td);
// dst = [af + be | ch + dg]
__ vadd(Neon64, dst, tmp1, tmp2);
// dst = [(af + be)*2^32 | (ch + dg)*2^32]
__ vshl(NeonU64, dst, dst, 32);
// tmp1 = [cg | dh]
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp1, left.low(), right.low());
// tmp2 = [ae | bf]
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp2, left.high(), right.high());
// tmp1 = [bf | dh]
__ vmov(tmp1.high(), tmp2.low());
// dst = [(af + be)*2^32 + bf | (ch + dg)*2^32 + dh]
__ vadd(Neon64, dst, dst, tmp1);

Version 2 (vuzp)

A lot of moving and shifting high and lows around, maybe there is a better way to do that. We can try using vunzp, which unzips two vector registers.

// left = [a, b | c, d]
// right = [e, f | g, h]
// tmp1 = [0, a | 0, c]
__ vshr(NeonU64, tmp1, left, 32);
// tmp2 = [e, f | g, h]
__ vmov(tmp2, right);
// tmp1 = [f, h| a ,c], tmp2 = [e, g | 0, 0]
__ vuzp(Neon32, tmp1, tmp2);
// tmp1 = [ af | ch]
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp1, tmp1.low(), tmp1.high());

// tmp2 = [0, e | 0, g]]
__ vshr(NeonU64, tmp2, right, 32);
// tmp3 =  [a, b | c, d]
__ vmov(tmp3, left);
// tmp2 = [b, d | e, g], tmp3 = [a, c | 0, 0]
__ vuzp(Neon32, tmp2, tmp3);
// tmp2 = [be | dg]
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp2, tmp2.low(), tmp2.high());

// now add those up
// tmp1 = [af + be | ch + dg]
__ vadd(Neon64, dst, tmp1, tmp2);
// dst = [(af + be)*2^32 | (ch + dg)*2^32]
__ vshl(NeonU64, dst, dst, 32);
// same as version 1
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp1, left.low(), right.low());
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp2, left.high(), right.high());
__ vmov(tmp1.high(), tmp2.low());
__ vadd(Neon64, dst, dst, tmp1);

Version 3 (vtrn)

We can use a more efficient instruction, vtrn, instead of shifting, moving, then unzipping:

Third version (vtrn)
// left = [a, b | c, d]
// right = [e, f | g, h]
// tmp1 = [a, b | c, d]
__ vmov(tmp1, left);
// tmp1 = [a, c | b, d]
__ vtrn(Neon32, tmp1.low(), tmp1.high());
// tmp2 = [e, f | g, h]
__ vmov(tmp2, right);
// tmp2 = [e, g | f, h]
__ vtrn(Neon32, tmp2.low(), tmp2.high());
// dst = [be | dg]
__ vmull(NeonU32, dst, tmp1.low(), tmp2.high());
// tmp2 = [af, | ch]
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp2, tmp1.high(), tmp2.low());
// dst = [af + be | dg + ch]
__ vadd(Neon64, dst, dst, tmp2);
// dst = [(af + be)*2^32 | (ch + dg)*2^32]
__ vshl(NeonU64, dst, dst, 32);

// same as version 2
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp1, left.low(), right.low());
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp2, left.high(), right.high());
__ vmov(tmp1.high(), tmp2.low());
__ vadd(Neon64, dst, dst, tmp1);

Version 4

For the next version, we reuse tmp1 and tmp2, since we have already unzipped those 32-bit numbers into the correct position for vmull to get bf and dh

__ vmov(tmp1, left);
// tmp1 = [a, c | b, d]
__ vtrn(Neon32, tmp1.low(), tmp1.high());

__ vmov(tmp2, right);
// tmp2 = [e, g | f, h]
__ vtrn(Neon32, tmp2.low(), tmp2.high());
// dst = [be | dg]
__ vmull(NeonU32, dst, tmp1.low(), tmp2.high());
// tmp3 = [af, | ch]
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp3, tmp1.high(), tmp2.low());

__ vadd(Neon64, dst, dst, tmp3);
// dst = [(af + be)*2^32 | (ch + dg)*2^32]
__ vshl(NeonU64, dst, dst, 32);

// tmp3 = [bf | dh]
__ vmull(NeonU32, tmp3, tmp1.low(), tmp2.low());
// dst = [(af + be)*2^32 + bf | (ch + dg)*2^32 + dh]
__ vadd(Neon64, dst, dst, tmp3);

Version 5 (vmlal)

For the final version, we make use of a multiply accumulate instruction, vmlal, to remove each case of vmull+vadd.

__ vmov(tmp1, left);
// tmp1 = [a, c | b, d]
__ vtrn(Neon32, tmp1.low(), tmp1.high());

__ vmov(tmp2, right);
// tmp2 = [e, g | f, h]
__ vtrn(Neon32, tmp2.low(), tmp2.high());

// dst = [be | dg]
__ vmull(NeonU32, dst, tmp1.low(), tmp2.high());
// dst = [af + be | ch + dg]
__ vmlal(NeonU32, dst, tmp1.high(), tmp2.low());
// dst = [(af + be)*2^32 | (ch + dg)*2^32]
__ vshl(NeonU64, dst, dst, 32);
// dst = [(af + be)*2^32 + bf | (ch + dg)*2^32 + dh]
__ vmlal(NeonU32, dst, tmp1.low(), tmp2.low());