
MBeanScanner a utility class to generate sample configuration file for JMXetric

MBeanScanner generates a XML configuration file for JMXetric

MBeanScanner is a utility that scans the platform MBean server for information about registered MBeans and generates a XML file that can be used by JMXetric.

It is motivated by this issue on GitHub

Code is available here:

How it works

This utility can be divided into two parts, the scanning MBeans role, and the writting configuration role. It queries the MBean server for MBeans, and constructs a representation of the configuration available for each MBean using private classes - these will be described below. These configurations are then written to a PrintStream, System.out for testing, or any specified file.

Scanning MBeans and constructing a configuration for each MBean

Scanning the MBeans result in a list of Config objects.

List<Config> configs = mBeanScanner.scan();

Config is a super class that represents a configuration item for each MBean. This is tied to the XML specification that JMXetric expects. This mapping is described more below.

Config and its subclasses: MBeanConfig, MBeanAttributeConfig, MBeanCompositeConfig

A sample XML configuration file that JMXetric reads in is:

 <jvm process="ProcessName"/>
 <sample delay="3">
  <mbean name="java.lang:type=Memory" pname="Memory">
   <attribute name="HeapMemoryUsage">
    <composite name="init" pname="Heap_init" type="int32" units="bytes"/>
    <composite name="committed" pname="Heap_committed" type="int32" units="bytes"/>
    <composite name="used" pname="Heap_used" type="int32" units="bytes" />
    <composite name="max" pname="Heap_max" type="int32" units="bytes" />
   <attribute name="NonHeapMemoryUsage" >
    <composite name="init" pname="NonHeap_init" type="int32"  units="bytes" />
    <composite name="committed" pname="NonHeap_committed" type="int32" units="bytes" />
    <composite name="used" pname="NonHeap_used" type="int32" units="bytes" />
    <composite name="max" pname="NonHeap_max" type="int32" units="bytes" />


XML Tag Config sublass
<mbean> MBeanConfig
<attribute> MBeanAttributeConfig
<composite> MBeanCompositeConfig

Each Config object has a name, which is the name of the tag, a list of KeyValue which are the attributes in each tag, and a list of Config, which are the inner configurations.

Map<String, String> fields = new HashMap<>();
List<Config> children = new Vector<Config>();

The name fields was chosen to represent the attributes in the XML tag because of the potential confusion between attributes of the XML tags and the attribute XML tags.

The Config class allows us to extract a lot of common methods

void addField(String key, String val)
void addChild(Config config)
public String fieldsToString()

Scanning for MBeans information

First, the platform MBean server is queried, using null parameters. This will return ObjectInstances for all the MBeans in a Set.

Set<ObjectInstance> mBeanObjects = mBeanServer.queryMBeans(null, null);

Each ObjectInstance in the Set is then used to construct a MBeanConfig:

private Config scanOneMBeanObject(ObjectInstance objectInstance) {
  MBeanConfig mBeanConfig = new MBeanConfig();
  ObjectName objectName = objectInstance.getObjectName();
  mBeanConfig.addField("name", objectName.getCanonicalName());
  scanMBeanAttributes(mBeanConfig, objectName);
  return mBeanConfig;

As each MBean can have multiple attributes, the scanMBeanAttributes method retrieves information on all the attributes for 1 MBean, and populates the mBeanConfig object associated with that MBean with the scanned attributes.

The information regarding the attributes of one MBean is retrieved using:

mBeanInfo = mBeanServer.getMBeanInfo(mBeanName);
MBeanAttributeInfo[] infos = mBeanInfo.getAttributes();

As each MBean can have multiple attributes, the mBeanConfig is populated in a for loop. The construction of a MBeanAttributeConfig, which represents the configuration of a <attribute> is delgated to the method makeConfigMBeanAttribute.

The body of makeConfigMBeanAttribute is long because it has to take care of 2 different kinds of attributes: 1. attributes of the simple type such as <attribute name="MemoryManagerNames" type="string"/>, and 2. attributes of the composite type, as shown in the sample XMl above. Also, many kinds of exceptions can be thrown when retrieving the attributes of an MBean.

In short,if the attribute is a simple type, makeConfigMBeanAttribute constructs the MBeanAttributeConfig. If the attribute is a CompositeData, it delegates the construction to addComposites.

if (attr == null) {
  return null;
} else if (attr instanceof CompositeData) {
  addComposites(config, (CompositeData) attr);
} else {
  config.addField("type", translateDataType(attributeInfo.getType()));

addComposites delegates the construction of a MBeanCompositeConfig for each data in the composite, to makeComposite, and adds each MBeanCompositeConfig into the MBeanAttributeConfig

CompositeType compositeType = compositeData.getCompositeType();
for (String key : compositeType.keySet()) {
    config.addChild(makeComposite(compositeType, key));

The type of each data in the composite can be discovered using compositeType.getType(name).toString(). However this is not the same as the type that is recognized by JMXetric and Ganglia. Hence the translation is provied by translateDataType.

if (possibleData.contains("java.lang.Long")) {
    return "int8";

This method is currently incomplete and should be updated so the translation is accurate.

Writing the configurations out

The writing of Configs is handled by the ConfigWriter class. The constant strings defined by ConfigWriter are the declarations and doctype that a XML configuration file for JMXetric requires.

A public method write() writes the declaration and doctype, as well as wrapping the configurations in the <jmxetric-config> tags. It builds up a StringBuilder representing the contents of the file to be written, and writes everying in a single print.

sb.append(XML_DECL + NL);
sb.append(XML_DOCTYPE + NL);
sb.append("<jmxetric-config>" + NL);


The mutually recursive methods buildXmlTagsFromList and buildXmlTag does the actual building of the tags to be written. The method buildXmlTagsFromList writes a list of configuration to the PrintStream. buildXmlTag then does the actual writing of the XML. buildXmlTag can take care of self-closing XML tags by checking if the Config has any children. If it doesn’t, a self-closing tag is written.


I feel that ConfigWriter isn’t written in a good manner. Since the configuration file is an XML, I can probably use an XML writer instead of constructing the tags manually. However this works very well now - the code is pretty simple and is easy to read, so I will stick to this and submit a pull request based on the current code.

The only kinds of datatype that we are taking care of are the simple type and CompositeData. There are other kinds of complex MXBeans type, such as the tabular. The support for these tyeps will be added as needed.