
This is a series of posts where I jot down my learnings from computer science papers I’ve read. Next, The Next 700 Programming Languages

Paper (pdf) 40th anniversary retrospective

In this paper, C. A. R. Hoare explores the mathematical logic underlying computer programming.

All state and results of running programs should be informed by deductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning consists of axioms, and rules of inferences on this set of axioms.

Some axioms that he lays out include the rules of arithmetic: commutativity of addition and multiplication etc.

Computers have certain limitations, such as not being able to represent infinitely many numbers (which mathematics can). An example is overflow, it could result in one of three cases:

  1. Strict - a program that overflows never completes
  2. Boundary - represent by the maximum value
  3. Modulo - modulo the representable set of integers

By choosing one of these overflow technique and representing it as an axiom will allow us to continue using deductive reasoning.

To represent the connection between a precondition, a program, and the resulting state of execution, he introduces:

P { Q } R

where P is the precondition, Q is the program, and R is the resulting state (Hoare triples).

Then, an axiom and three inference rules are laid down so as to apply deductive reasoning to program execution.

The axiom “Axiom of Assignment” represents variable assignments that we commonly use in programming languages.

The “Rule of Consequence” is logical implication:

  1. if P { Q } R and R -> S, then P { Q } S
  2. if P { Q } R and S -> P, then S { Q } R

The “Rule of Composition” allows for composing two triples by sequencing program execution:

  1. if P { Q1 } R1 and Rr { Q2 } R, then P { Q1; Q2 } R

The “Rule of Iteration” states that the test condition will not be true after the while loop is completed, and any other precondition remains true:

  1. if P and B { S } P then P { while B do S } not B and P

In general, these inference rules assume that execution is side effect free.

Also, the axioms and rules do not guarantee successful termination of the program, e.g. you can have an infinite loop in the iteration rule.

He notes that:

“the practice of supplying proofs for nontrivial programs will not become widespread until considerably more powerful proof techniques become available”.

I think right now we are in a period where proof assistants are becoming much more accessible, and companies generally use formal verification methods on critical software.

Some notes on how testing is done, which is manual testing by a programmer on subset of cases (poor man unit testing). Notes that errors discovered at this stage costs a lot, and even more when errors are discovered after the program is in use (shipped).

Proving programs can also help with documentation. A proof will describe accurately the preconditions and postconditions, so any caller can rely on this as a lemma. Also, you get referential transparency, where two programs that are provably correct and satisfy the same interface (preconditions and postconditions).