
These tips are targeted towards college students looking for internships/jobs in the tech sector. It probably is still useful for anyone writing a resume.


Keep it short, 1 page is good, 2 is a stretch.

Write concise points, 2 - 3 bullet points for each paragraph, please don’t write essays.


Keep things relevant, they don’t need to know everything about you. Discard information that is not related to the role you are applying for.

Use numbers to quantify and highlight your accomplishments, for example, 2x speed improvement, 10 hours saved.

Include a line that lists technology that you are knowledgeable in - if this was buzzword scrabble this line would have over 9000 points.


Include context, link to your social profiles (GitHub, LinkedIN), projects, websites - it makes it easier, or even encourages, the recruiter to browse.

Format things properly, be consistent, but don’t go crazy with DIFFERENT styles that makes things unreadable


Read through your resume many times, make sure there are no errors.

Pretend you’re the recruiter, will you accept this applicant?

Keep updating your resume! For example when you first graduate you probably won’t have a lot of work experience, so you can talk more about your education, co-curricular activities, side projects, etc. But replace them as you gain more internship/work experience.


Actually send your resume. This is probably the hardest step. It’s scary, but hey, if you want the job, you have to do it. The more you do it, the less scary it becomes, so here’s mine.