
At a recent friend gathering, it was suggested that everyone present some slides about their 2024. This method puts one person completely in the spotlight, allowing the group to get to know someone deeply. This has much more depth compare to other social gatherings, where conversations usually are about surface-level topics.

I made some slides as well, and decided to convert it into a post format, mostly for archival purposes.

The biggest reason for our move back to Singapore was to be closer to our family and friends, to spend more time with them. In 2024, we had nearly weekly meals with both my family and my in-laws, and also frequently had combined meals. We have managed to catch up with many group of friends, and I even made a new group of friends and travelled with them.

Based on my calendar, I ran on 129 occasions and climbed 88 times. Roughly, I exercised on 59% of days in 2024. This is just above half the time, and in 2025 I would like to exercise more. My work is sendantary, so all physical exertion is outside of usual 9-5. Exercise is not just important for keeping physically healthy, my mood also improves when I exercise.

Running was usually a solo activity, but in 2024 my wife joined me on many occasions. I also have weekly runs with my colleagues.

Climbing has been a big part of my life since 2019. In 2024, it became a way for me to spend more time, connect, and become closer with my sister. Climbing also expanded my social circle, I met many colleagues at work due to this hobby, and a number of them became friends.

I read 42 books in 2024. For me, reading is a form of entertainment and enjoyment. I don’t take copious notes nor write summaries or reviews of the books I read. Actually, I don’t retain much information from my reading. My current reading diet consists of a lot of fantasy, by Brandon Sanderson.

I watch a lot of YouTube, mostly climbing, with some sci + math sprinkled in. These are my favourite math/sci/learning channels:

In 2024, my partner had a health issue involving multiple operations and treatment. She is well now, but is a stark reminder that life can be unpredictable. The message that I want to take into 2025 is to cherish and to care: cherish the moments you have, cherish the people around you; care for yourself, your body, your mind, and also take care of one another.